Friday, July 25, 2008

Hopping off to Bintan island ...

We have attempted so many times to take a trip to Bintan a long time ago. Last weekend we finally there toute en famille!! We visited our cousin who lives in Angsana Resort Bintan with her small family. I imagined that we were going spend a lot of time in the sunny beach or swimming pool in a bright wonderful days. Alas, the weathers were overcasted with a couple of rains throughout our stay.

Before I packed the bag, I promised that I will challenge myself to travel light. We hae a choice between going to Bali or Bintan, a nearby island. Oh well, I chosed the latest with the beach, lovely cousin's family and good nature, it's cheap too. We do not have to spend so much money for vacationing in one weekend, the further destination will not be so eco-friendly considering the amount of carbon (fuels) emmission of air plane of 2.5 hours journey. This is one of the ways to reduce the environmental impact of our trip, beside it's a small little island far from civilization (read: consumerism). There's nothing to buy and we do not travel so much around the island (it's much bigger than Singapore!). It's a small little compound where it has a big outdoor pool, beach, food, bed to sleep, lizards and greenery areas. Oohh, now I can understand why my cousin needs a retail theraphy once she get out of that island ;-) But we just Luuuuurrrvveee it to be there cos it's quiet, especially my husband who is workalcoholic!

So, a couple of baby clothes (1 pajamas + swim suit), 13 disposable nappies, 3 clothes nappies, her vitamins, 4 days supply frozen baby puree, 3 baby bottles, 1 baby food grinder, a stroller, milk powder for a few days, my clothes, sport shoes, 1small ziplock of make-up stuffs (I used to carry 2 big bags before), Voila! All in one bag!

But of course, Ludo has to bring one bag with 1 laptop, and a couple of books with his clothes. He said he's in "vacation mood".

Yay! For once we see the sun in one hot afternoon, we were swimming in the pool. I participated a bit in the pool gym which they organized for the hotel guests in the resort. I was trying to shake a couple of pounds off the baby fat. Noelia bounced happily to meet Cathie, 20 months old cousin who is really dynamic and active throughout the day. Furthermore, my cousin managed to pull me for a jog around the compound, but Ludo did the whole compound alone and he's proud of it. Thanks Taree, I felt my body is lighter after that exercise, and those irresistible choc cookies made by her mom are the good rewards for me :-)

The beach was the highlight of this trip. It was the first time that we took Noelia to the beach, ok we do not count East Coast beach. The sands are white, beautiful blue sky, the waves, the sounds of the wind and water splashing are the discovery activity for her. In the morning is the best time for her cos she's wide awake at 7 am and afternoon around 5 pm. I let her crawled around the soft sandy beach barefooted. She needs to use all her senses of sights, smells, sounds, and touch. Love it when her little toes curled when the waves hit her toes.... But beware of direct sunlight in the brightful day!

Of course, she loves to touch the sands with her fingers. Sometimes, she put them in her mouth, so I really need to be in full attention for her.

There are the most important things to take with you to enjoy the beach with baby;
1. Baby Sunscreen
There are many baby sunscreen around the market. As long as it is SPF 15 and above, it's good enough. You must apply this even in the overcasted weather between 10 am -4 pm
2. Bugs/Mosquitos reppellent
In many beaches, the sandsflies and other sands bugs are attracted to soft baby's skin
3. Sunshade or Umbrella
Their sensitive skin will get easily burn in 10-15 min.
4. Baby Sunglasses or Hat/scarf
Their eyes are still sensitive to the bright sun. This particularly for baby at around 4-7 months. I used a scarf for Noelia in the beach for her late afternoon walk, it is to protect her hair from sands. At that very young age, they may put their head on the sands, play with them or splashed by the sandy waves. Well, it is easier for me to clean her after that.
5. Swim wear with UV protection
6. Towel and a couple of muslin squares
Those are to wipe dry their body or as the cover.
7. Drink Liquid
Get them to drink lotsa lotsa water for big baby and toddler.

Voila! We are ready for another beach vacation!


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