Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Playlist of the day!!

I never watched Grey's Anatomy, but this song was appeared in one of the episode. But I just happened to discover accidentally. Love how fresh her voice is! Yes, I love indie music.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Playlist of the day

Paperweight by Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And yes, our baby girl going to be 4.

Three weeks ago we started discussing who to invite for her birthday. We also discussed what birthday cake she prefers to have.

Last weekend, I cut the hard cardbox paper from Popular book store for $1.20. I asked Noe to draw the invitation cards on her own. She used a white pen to write on the photographs cost about $1.10.

I told her to close the eyes first and think about each person to invite. Put into drawings what she sees on the uniqueness of every individual. Voila!

Well, I am not trying to become another 'Martha Stewart" (eeww!), but we found it is important for a child to value each person and observe well the environment. It doesn't matter if the drawings are not perfect, but the thoughts that count. So whenever she sees imperfectness, she doesn't judge it too quickly.

We live in the world based on instant gratification. We always think that we can get whatever we want instantly. Kids need a bicycle we buy it, our kids feeling down and sad turn on the TV, they feel hungry there's always fast food restaurants. So I hope we are learning the process of everything.  It takes time to do create something beautiful, but it is not about the result. It is the process which includes deep thinking, skills, patients, perseverance etc.

So, we have 12 cards for the price of at least S$5.

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