Saturday, March 21, 2009


A sweet thin lips
Blue eyes
Fair skin colour
Blonde long hair
smooth long legs

Not everyone is Paris Hilton!
But I do hope to explain the meaning of 'beautiful' to my daughter someday. But before knowing the beauty from the (stupid) teenage magazine on how to dress like a rock star, I hope i can introduce the image of nature beauty such as a waterfall cascading over mossy rocks in the forest or a stunning orange setting over the lake. I choose to equate beauty to something that moves my heart and cause me to smile. Beauty doesn't fit into logical equatation. It is poetic, natural, visual and emotional. I find the most attractive physical beauty on the person is the freckles on the skin, the wrinkles on the face, the clear eyes, the tears and smiles.

These days if we turn on TV and chose a channel, we'll see the same image of beautiful women. The beauty pageant, "beautiful" women in their ideal body promoting the products in the ads, mini series, video clips etc. As an Asian woman, I know exactly what the women do with their body to get lighter skin and hair, taller, big butts and boobs. I used to ask by a staff in the spa to lighten my skin colour with their products or even to straighten my lovely locks.

We are not created the same. Beauty is humility, happiness, creativity, tolerance, and all virtues which should be our adorning.I am not banning Barbie dolls, Disney musicals, Prince and princesse stories at home. But I will never let the kids alone playing and figuring it without some guidances. I hope I am not a control freak mom. Also, I am not buying those stuffs too (soon)! We should be able to see the uniqueness because it is beautiful!

At the moment I am happy to see her sleeping, holding Lapinou (Teddy Bear)...

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