Wednesday, December 10, 2008

City of Light, we are comingg!!

Two days more to go and will be on the plane to Paris! I am not sure if I am really prepared for this journey with Noelia. But I hope it is going to be alright with Ludo around to help. I notice that Noe is quite sociable with people around her. She greets our friends and trying to talk to them in bizarre language. Sometimes she hides her head on to my skirt in between if she's not confident. As long as they are not talking loudly and overexcited to see Noe, she's a fine little lady.

I just can't imagine how cold Paris will be when we arrive. It is breezy and sunny with a couple of rains over here in Singapore. We walk outside in the park and the beach alot. Furthermore, we are planning to stay a little longer in France, so I've got to really prepared for 2 seasons clothing. So far, we've been lucky that our friends and family have sent the hand me down warm clothing for little Noe. There's a lady who lives in South of France who I met in Flickr has sent bedding for crib and some clothes for Noe. She's going to be a fashion model with all the clothes she has during the winter.

We will have fun in Paris with a baby now. She may not understand everything but she will sense the difference of climate and environment. And we pray that she won't get sick.

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