Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Growing Pains....

Aahh, It's been 2 weeks we have noticed that two of her incisor teef' at the bottom are growing out. Those weeks, she looked calm and playful as usual. But today after 2 days fever on the weekend, she is very fussy. But she still sleep through the night (Gosh, we are lucky!) She wants to sleep but cries when we put her in bed. We try to keep her spirits up by entertaining her with music and dance, her big smiles appear wide when we do the hand movement of 'Trois petite marionettes' song.

A couple of months ago, I found Amber Teething necklace for her teething preparation. She wears them everyday, except bath time. This resin has medicinal effect to soothe the pain and discomfort of teething. In France, they even sell it in the pharmacy and let the babies or small children wear it. How do they work? when the resin comes in to contact with the warmth of the baby skin, it releases healing oils. It will then be absorbed via skin into the bloodstream. The oils release from amber contains succinic acid which stimulate thyroid glands to reduce drooling and soothe red inflamed cheeks as well as having calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions.

We also have Chamomile Homeopathy tablet which comes handy if she cries non-stop. Both has good results during this period. Voila! We will try anything that works in this period to help her.


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