Friday, August 1, 2008

Fruit Therapy

I am feeling crappy today!! I've been down with cold and flu for almost five days, now I still have the coughs. My husband came back from a bussiness trip in Bali yesterday with cold too. The season has been not favourable for all of us, it was raining a few days and sunny hot days for a while. All I think about is our daughter, Noelia. I don't want her to get sick too.

I found 'good things' in the supermarket for our body to have energy to fight it. So, I bought a couple of Kiwis and avocados which I thought earlier for baby food puree. Well, she needs a good baby dose to survive this season too.

This Actinidia deliciosa fruit which native in Southern China contains high in Vitamin C. And according to a study of 6 and 7 year old children in Northern Italy that the more kiwis are consumed by young children, the less likely they have respiratory problem. The respiratory illness such as wheezing, coughing and asthma.

This emerald jewelled delights also contains flavanoids that help protect our cells from oxidative damage, and are therefore considered very helpful in protecting our DNA from mutations and damage.

A couple of kiwifruit each day may significantly lower your risk for blood clots and reduce the amount of fats (triglycerides) in your blood, therefore helping to protect cardiovascular health.

Yay! I'll get another one soon...hopefully, it will kick away my coughs! I'll get a dose for a baby too....


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