Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A few pounds off more ...

No, I haven't gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight yet. I need a couple pounds off more. I've been trying to set up the schedule to work out. But it's a little tough to do it as we raise our daughter on our own. So, both of us take turn to be with Noelia each day.

I found that being a mother I need to learn managing my time accordingly, so I still can do the things that I like to do without neglecting Noelia. I probably lucky that Ludo is supporting me alot. On some days, he comes back home early to bath Noelia and put her to bed while I am out for yoga or meeting friends. Yes, he does diapers, brushing her teeth, bottle feeding and bedtime story. Sometimes he thinks he can squeeze massage session to her after the bath. We agreed that one day out of a week, I will do whatever I like sans baby. It puts my sanity back, good gracious!

I have been busy planning a schedule to burn off the fat or water inside the body. I heard it is actually water retention from pregnancy. Ok, a friend of mine suggested that I need to detox the body by drinking juice for 3 days and have rice in the size of our palm once in a day. Darn, I really need to be determine for this one.

Why do I have to be bother with this? I need to fit in to my clothes again!! I am suffered to walk around in the shopping centres to look for clothes for me with baby tagging along. And above all, I do not want to keep spending on new clothes anymore. I am into the slow year that my friend in South of France has started a few montrhs back. It is by reducing the expenses, means no shopping and get creative with whatever we have. Consumerism is not the answer to save the environment, because the more we spend the more we throw. It creates waste which contributes to the pollution.

I have been tempted to spend more in slimming programme that advertise in print media. I thought I could save a bit of money and do the programme for a couple of weeks. My husband opposed the idea, he couldn't understand why it is neccesary to do it in the spa. He encourages me to so workout and yoga a few times a week. He said that "It is not about losing weight, but what you feel inside, getting healthy is more important". Alright, I agreed with him this time. I have to stop behaving like "tai-tai" (housewives hang around in the shopping centres) who thinks can spend money from husband's earning and look pretty just to show off.

Now, I really need to work on etting up the schedules and boy, determination!


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